Homes4Life in Nice at AgeingFit

Homes4Life partner Università Politecnica delle Marche – Fabiano Compagnucci – presented our project at the AgeingFit event in Nice, France, on the 29th of January 2020.

AgeingFit is the European event fostering innovation in the healthy ageing sector. A specific track was organised on the topic “Building new smart homes of focusing on retrofit ?: How to design and deliver housing that older people want and need ?

It was discussed the importance for the future  Homes4Life Certification Scheme to be flexible enough to accommodate tomorrow’s smart building technologies that will appear on the market, and to design homes that will be prepared and ready to implement them.

It was generally agreed with the audience and stakeholders represented in the   session that implementing age friendly housing should be a key policy priority for the upcoming years.
Learn more about AgeingFit here.