Improve the skills of home helpers for older people

Estelle Huchet, from AGE Platform Europe, moderated a panel at the final conference of the atHOME European project.

atHOME final project Conference in Brussels

On 22nd October 2019, POUR LA SOLIDARITÉ – PLS organised a conference in Brussels on the development of professional skills for home helpers, and on improving the quality of care for the elderly person at home. This event was part of the atHOME European project which aims to improve the maintenance of older and dependent people at home.

Among the topics covered: the issue of training, interaction and cooperation between the various actors of the home help and care, all for the benefit of the well-being of the elderly.

Estelle Huchet, AGE, at the atHOME final conference

Both speakers and the audience of the events highlighted the importance to get age-friendly housing: they bring benefits for their occupants, and they also indirectly support better working conditions for carers / home helpers, and thereby to reinforce attractiveness of these jobs.